
The heaven of herbs...

Since 2014, Elisabetta and Alfeo have been producing an impressively diverse range of herbs on around 3.000 m²: herbal salts, herbal teas, syrups, sachets and cosmetics (shampoo, body lotions, bath salts, handmade natural soaps etc.). Particularly interesting are the cultivated wild herbs. The berry fruit (raspberries, currants, goji berries) are used to make syrups and fruit spreads. From summer to early autumn, red onions, beetroot, black pepperoni and yellow zucchini are sold as well. Sweet chestnuts are also available in autumn, and dried persimmons in winter.

The products are available all year round in Elisabetta's flower shop "Il Mazzolino" in the village center of Salurn, as well as on the summer farmers markets in the neighboring region of Trento: in Cavalese (Wednesdays), Moena (Thursdays) and Mezzocorona (Saturdays).


Alfeo und Elisabetta Zeni

Address: Buchholzstr. 34, 39040 Salurn

Phone: +39 333 6720040


Opening Hours: „Il Mazzolino“ (Via Trento 34, Salorno) Summer: Mo – Sa.: 09:00 – 12:00; Winter: Mo – Fr: 16:00 – 18:30


Fruit, Juice, Vegetables, Herbal Products, Plants, Other Specialities, Cosmetics.


Guided tours, Farm.


South of South Tyrol. find us on the map

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